Monday 22 February 2021

Monday 22nd February 2021

Vivid dream state this morning. I followed a Muslim woman into a post office. Once in the hall way, there was another door up ahead, and I waited for her to go through it to keep social distance. I shut the front door behind me, and a dog poked itself through the cat flap at the bottom and followed me in. Inside the post office, I got in the queue...I had to shout at a young man who was invading my space...he had a mask made out of the fabric of a black duffle coat wrapped around his face with two tiny holes for his eyes! I got to the front of the queue...the woman serving me motioned me to move within earshot around the corner of the counter, and tried to persuade me to join the commune she was evidently a member of...they would keep me fed and watered in return for my assistance building churches. I said I'd think about it, and she left her post and went off for lunch, leaving my cheque book on the counter...the new occupant of her desk refused to return it!

Spent the day doing inspections in Hackney. Had my lunch in the car in a street down Shacklewell way. The mileometer finally rolled over to six figures as I inched my way toward Highbury Corner. Took a quick detour to Waitrose in Holloway to spend my lunch allowance. Got home around 5pm.

Watched a bit of telly after dinner.

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