Friday 26 February 2021

Thursday 25th February 2021

Late start this morning. Walked up Hornsey Rise to the ENT clinic for an 1140 appointment, calling in at Tesco in Archway on the way to buy some custard. Dr Asma sent away a swab from my ear canal to check on the progress of the infection she thinks is still hanging about. Not much to do today. Read a bit more V S Naipaul this afternoon. Still only just over half way through! Phoned Nigel in Swansea...seems very busy. Says he feels much better, and doesn't seem to be affected by any Long-Covid symptoms. Now working a four day week. Book Club zoom meet this evening after dinner. No-one save Jane seemed to have much enjoyed the McGahern novel, That They May Face the Rising Sun. I hadn't read it, being still bound up with the V S Naipaul. Girl, Woman, Other was chosen for the March read. Watched a bit of telly, then bath and bed.

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