Sunday 14 February 2021

Sunday 14th February 2021

Valentine's Day cards and flowers exchanged before a late breakfast, with prosecco on the side. 

Watched a bit of tennis from Melbourne...Aki delighted to see Naomi Osaka go through to the quarter finals after a great game. FaceTimed Tim and Lynn in Bury St Edmunds to propose they read the star crossed lovers in Chekhov's 'The Proposal'. Fortunately they acceded. Quizzed them about their civil partnership...they seemed to think it a good idea, and Aki and I are looking into the notion.

Cooked a chicken dinner (with prosecco on the side!), and Kath FaceTimed just as I was serving up. She has yet to find anyone to come and mend her boiler, so is sitting at home with several layers on!



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