Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Tuesday 11th February 2025


Woke to alarm at 0730. Got up and porridged. Headed off at 0930 to drive Aki to West Reading for her appointment at the Biobank. She signed up for tests about 25 years ago, so today is another session to update her's all about logging the ageing process for research purposes. I had work in the vicinity, so drove on to Newbury, then back to Tilehurst. Broke for a meatball lunch at IKEA, then headed for Caversham. Gave Lawrence a wave as I drove swiftly past 254 Gosbrook Road. Spent a couple of hours knocking on doors on a large modern infill development owned by Peabody...the usual low quality kitchens and bathrooms. Finished around 1600 and drove back to IKEA to find Aki, who had wandered through the marketplace to get some odds and ends after finishing at Biobank. Drove back down the M4. Aki cooked an improvised chicken, egg and rice dish for dinner, with miso soup and pickled mouli on the side. Watched Exeter City put up a good fight against Forest in the Cup, but they went out on penalties. Bath and bed...

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