Sunday, 9 February 2025

Sunday 9th February 2025

Woke around 0730 with a bit of a cough, so got up and made tea. Aki cooked omelette for breakfast. Read some Dickens. Aki departed for lunch at the Riwing Club. I headed for rehearsal in Stoke Newington. Walked to Finsbury Park and jumped a No.106 bus. Decided on fish and chips for lunch at Sutton’s…nice bit of cod…but £20 for fish, chips and mushy peas! First couple of hours saw us crammed in to RR3…not ideal. Enjoyed the foley workshop which culminated in us creating a squall at sea utilising copious materials. After a break, we convened in the Smith Studio for movement workshops…exhausting! Not sure my knees enjoyed it much...I ain't cut out for scrubbing the decks!  Finished at 1800 and headed for home…shared a bus ride back to Finsbury Park in the company of Feiyang…she’s hoping her mom will be coming over to see the show in Cornwall…should be quite a culture shock! Warmed up chicken and red lentil stew for dinner. Watched a bit of telly…but needed an early night after the day’s exertions!

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