Saturday, 15 February 2025

Friday 14th February 2025

Woke around 0800. Aki found her Valentines gifts…I’d left a card, chocolate almonds, a potted plant, and a half bottle of champagne out on the dining table before bed last night. She had to shoot off to Harringay for a site visit. I worked at the computer until lunchtime. Aki back for lunch. My new trainers arrived via DPD. I drove over to Leytonstone to knock on doors…managed to get into nine units. Still way off the requisite 100 in total. Cold out, traipsing the streets. Got home around 1730. Aki cooked a chicken, lemon and orzo one pot, and we drank champagne. Cheese and biscuits for afters. Watched David Lynch’s “Blue Velvet”…saw it at the cinema when it was released about 40 years ago…still stunning…Dennis Hopper is terrific in it.

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