Woke a little before 1000. Got up to make tea. Brunched on pastrami and salad. Called ma and pa. Surprised to find dad still offline and getting messages from Talktalk asking for £25. Dad reckoned Octopus Energy had taken over Shell…Aki googled it and discovered that was the case, but that Octopus had sold the broadband business to, you guessed it, Talktalk!!! We took a No.91 bus into KX…walked along the canal and popped into the Nike outlet store…Aki wanted to try on a shoe, but they didn’t stock it. Walked up to Uniqlo at Coal Drops Yard to return the tee I’d bought yesterday…swapped it for a black tee with a floral design in the hope of encouraging Spring to come along. Had coffee and lemon tart at an Italian joint on the new build estate, then headed for Holloway by bus. Got some odds and ends in Waitrose, and made our way home through the throng of Gooners heading for the stadium…Man City visit this afternoon.
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