Thursday, 1 June 2023

Thursday 1st June 2023

Woke around 0700. My hernia was giving me gip, so got up and made tea, then porridged. Set to work at the computer. Broke to make lunch...heated up the sausage roll I'd bought in Gail's yesterday...tastiest sausage roll I'll ever had! Even Aki liked it! Ventured out in the car in the afternoon, as the weather was rather inviting...stuck to inspections in the Finsbury Park area, before returning home. Aki cooked pan fried sea bass for dinner, with lentils, and we had the pea and basil soup on the side. Cheese and biscuits to follow. Watched the final of MasterChef ...great cooking from all three participants, but the little Thai woman, Chariya, was a worthy winner...we got rather moved and had to reach for the tissues! 

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