Tuesday 27 June 2023

Saturday 24th June 2023

Woke around 0900 after a comfortable night’s sleep. Got up and made tea…we had the oats I’d prepared last night and slowly got our act together. Weather much improved so decided to drive up to Lake Idwal and take a hike up to Devil’s Kitchen. Took a while to work out where the walk started, but when we got there the car park was full. Drove back along the south side of Lake Ogwen and lucked out with a roadside parking space. Decided to take a hike up the mountainside there instead (Pen yr Ole Wen). Glorious, dramatic scenery. After about an hour we found a rocky outcrop to perch on and eat our lunch. The clouds slowly cleared from the peaks on the other side of the valley to render spectacular views. We embarked on the descent, which was tougher than coming up! Saw a skylark, lots of sheep, and a couple of wild ponies. 

Drove back east, then turned north toward Llanrwst, stopping off at Finn y Parc, an old country house that had been turned into an art gallery…nice cafe too. We had a quick drink and some almond tart, then browsed the art…some interesting stuff. Drove back to Celyn y Coed Hall and showered. Ate at the old coaching inn, Ty Gwyn, a few hundred yards down the road. Very uncomfortable chairs, but the food was OK. Aki had cod wrapped in Parma ham and brie, I had steak and kidney pie and minted mash. Declined dessert and walked over Thomas Telford’s Waterloo bridge into Betws…bought ice creams at the little convenience store and sat in the park, before heading back to the Hall.

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