Sunday 18 June 2023

Friday 16th June 2023

Alarm at 0730. Got up and porridged. Aki feeling under the weather, so didn't go rowing. She cycled off to the fishmonger on Essex Road, but only made it as far as Waitrose. I did some work at the computer, then headed back out to Harlesden, via the petrol station at Manor House. Knocked on almost every door of Keir Hardie House trying to get my internals target up. Saw a couple of kitchens which should be condemned! At one flat, the lady let me in, just as her alarm was going off...she was cooking some buns in her oven! I complemented her on her creations...she turned out to be Columbian, and was making almonjabanas, and insisted I try one...they are light fluffy little rounded buns filled with melted cheese...delicious. Must look up the recipe. Drove home for dinner. Aki had bought some breaded plaice fillets in Waitrose, which she grilled, and served with rice and fried vegetables, the Japanese way, apparently. Watched a bit of telly before bed...

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