Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Tuesday 24th December 2024

Woke at 0330 worrying about the turkey…decided it would need defrosting for longer than the usual so got up and descended to the garage to remove it from the freezer…Aki appeared saying it needed to be defrosted in the fridge, and covered it with foil…hopefully that does the trick! Took awhile to get back off to sleep…woke around 0915. Got up to make tea and brought it back to bed. Got up and porridged. Aki and I drove to Tesco in Kingston Park and did a final shop. Got back in time for lunch with mum and dad…mum had made a nice pasta salad. I spent the afternoon prepping food. Cooked a nut roast, and made bread sauce. Aki cooked a chilli con carne for dinner which we ate with rice and broccoli. Pancakes and ice cream for afters. Kath back from work at 2030. Jim has phoned in sick…in bed with flu, so we are not going to see him tomorrow. Watched a bit of loud telly in the living-room...enjoyable documentary with Clement and Le Frenais, talking about creating "Porridge", followed by a masterly Christmas special of the same...as good now as it was way back when! I repaired to the kitchen to prepare the spuds for roasting tomorrow, and made some citrus butter to spread on the turkey before it goes in the oven. Got to bed around 2330.

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