Friday, 13 December 2024

Thursday 12th December 2024

Got a reasonably good night's sleep at last. Woke around 0900. Left ear still blocked though, and right ear showing early signs of following suit! I'll have to start asking for earwax removal as a Christmas present!!! Got up and porridged. Aki popped out to the GP...she has a wound on her right heel which isn't healing, and wanted some anti-biotics. They sorted her out with an anti-biotic cream. I rehearsed some stuff ahead of Sunday's Gig Night, and packed up instruments and equipment to take to the Tower Theatre for this evening's rehearsal. Cooked lunch. Felt well enough to pop out to Waitrose. Aki cooked an early dinner…chicken and bean stew. I loaded my instruments into the car and headed off to the theatre. Got there at 1900 and parked up outside. Worked through several songs…Bee and me did our two for Colin, who is MD-ing. The shruti box went down a storm. Emily rocked up and we did Dark End of the Street…my mandolin worked v well. Also got roped in on the opening number, Presley’s You’ll Be Gone; and the Come Dancing finale sounded good. I left them all headed for the Jolly Butcher’s and drove home. Aki watching The Ten when I lugged my stuff back in. Bath and bed…

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